Fullstack & NoCode Developer

A fullstack developer with 7+ years experience developing frontend interfaces, focused on creating content and building around disruptive technologies.

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Enric Trillo

Hey, I'm Enric👋

I was born & raised in Madrid, based in London since my early teens, and I'm from a small Hispanic nation in Central Africa few can mark on the map – Equatorial Guinea.

I have 7+ years of experience, and now I'm focused on building around disruptive tech to deliver impactful digital experiences.

I've put the reps in with the tools I use to solve problems – NextJS and React with Typescript, SQL and NoSQL, Python, and many more. I dedicate a good chunk daily to learning new skills.

When I'm not coding, you can find me sharing insights online, exploring new ideas to push the boundaries of what's possible, or travelling since I'm heavy on learning languages and cultures.


I'm certified by top technology companies

  • google_logo


    Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
  • semrush_logo


    Keyword Research with Semrush
  • deeplearningai_logo


    Build LLM Apps with LangChain.js


Check out my latest takes and tutorials.

  • Welcome to RicoBuilds

    Welcome to RicoBuilds

    I'm Rico, a fullstack developer sharing insights on disruptive technologies, what I'm building, and my skill stacking journey to thrive in our world with AI.

    By Enric Trillo / July 22, 2024


Some of the projects I've built, or have been working on.


A Chrome extension that converts GPT conversations to Markdown.

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Ps: I send emails every week, never spam or sell your data.